
Find the surface area for a cylinder with a height of 24 and a radius of 6. Use 3.14 for pi and round to the nearest whole number.

904 yd^2
1,017 yd^2
1,130 yd^2
2,713 yd^2

Find the volume for a cylinder which has a height of 24 and a radius of 6. Use 3.14 for pi and round to the nearest whole number.

2,713 yd^3
904 yd^3
490 yd^3
1,017 yd^3

Find the surface area of a square pyramid with a length of 5 cm and a slant height of 8 cm. (1 point)

80 cm2
105 cm2
200 cm2
145 cm2

Find the volume of a cone with a radius of 5 ft and a height of 12 ft. (1 point)

300 ft3
314 ft3
100 ft3
224 ft3

My answers:

3. 1,130
4. 2,713 yd
5. 105
6. 300

Connexus 8th Grade

1. A 13in, 13in, 10in
2. C 9,778 ft
3. A 64,288 ft
4. C 1,130 yd
5. A 2,713 yd
6. B 105 cm
7. B 314 ft


volume of cone = (1/3)π r^2 h
= (1/3)π(25)(12) = appr 314.16

somebody is right just made 100% thanks so much!

To find the surface area of a cylinder, we need to calculate the sum of the areas of the two circular bases and the area of the curved surface.

1. The formula for the surface area of a cylinder is:
Surface Area = 2πr² + 2πrh

2. Plug in the given values:
r = 6 and h = 24

3. Calculate the area of the circular bases:
Area of a circle = πr²
Area₁ = π(6)² = 36π

4. Calculate the area of the curved surface:
Area of the curved surface = 2πrh
Area₂ = 2π(6)(24) = 288π

5. Add the areas together:
Surface Area = Area₁ + Area₂ = 36π + 288π = 324π

6. Use the value of π as 3.14:
Surface Area ≈ 324 * 3.14
Surface Area ≈ 1017.36 square units

7. Round to the nearest whole number:
Surface Area ≈ 1017 square units

Therefore, the surface area of the cylinder is approximately 1017 yd².
So, the correct answer is option 2: 1,017 yd².

To find the volume of a cylinder, we need to calculate the volume of the cylindrical shape.

1. The formula for the volume of a cylinder is:
Volume = πr²h

2. Plug in the given values:
r = 6 and h = 24

3. Calculate the volume:
Volume = π(6)²(24) = 864π

4. Use the value of π as 3.14:
Volume ≈ 864 * 3.14
Volume ≈ 2713.44 cubic units

5. Round to the nearest whole number:
Volume ≈ 2713 cubic units

Therefore, the volume of the cylinder is approximately 2713 yd³.
So, the correct answer is option 1: 2,713 yd³.

To find the surface area of a square pyramid, we need to calculate the sum of the area of the base and the four triangular faces.

1. The formula for the surface area of a square pyramid is:
Surface Area = Base Area + 4 * (0.5 * base length * slant height)

2. Plug in the given values:
Base length = 5 and slant height = 8

3. Calculate the area of the base:
Base Area = base length * base length
Base Area = 5 * 5 = 25

4. Calculate the area of the four triangular faces:
Triangular Face Area = 0.5 * base length * slant height
Triangular Face Area = 0.5 * 5 * 8 = 20

5. Add the area of the base and the four triangular faces:
Surface Area = Base Area + 4 * Triangular Face Area
Surface Area = 25 + 4 * 20
Surface Area = 25 + 80
Surface Area = 105 square units

Therefore, the surface area of the square pyramid is 105 cm².
So, the correct answer is option 2: 105 cm².

To find the volume of a cone, we need to calculate the volume of the conical shape.

1. The formula for the volume of a cone is:
Volume = (1/3) * πr²h

2. Plug in the given values:
r = 5 and h = 12

3. Calculate the volume:
Volume = (1/3) * π(5)²(12) = (1/3)(25)(12)π

4. Use the value of π as 3.14:
Volume = (1/3)(25)(12)(3.14) = (25)(12)(3.14) / 3

5. Calculate the volume:
Volume = (25)(12)(3.14) / 3 ≈ 314 cubic units

Therefore, the volume of the cone is approximately 314 ft³.
So, the correct answer is option 2: 314 ft³.

Your first three are correct. I disagree with your answer for # 6.

volume of cone = 1/3 r^2 h

25 * 12 * 1/3 = 100 ft^3

the answer is 100ft^3 for 6

Chank you Chank you, @Somebody and @Anonymous!

6/6 Measurement Unit Review Practice. ;)

The answer is



Is right I got 100%!