solve the following system of equation



a little multiplying yields

24x + 27y = -57
-24x + 56y = -192

Now add them, and the x's vanish, giving you y.
Then you can easily get x.

Multiply all parts of the first equation by 3 and all parts of the second equation by 8.

Add the two equations and solve for y.
You can then find x by putting in your y-value into one of the original equations.

Also, you should check the final answer in both equation.

To solve the system of equations:

1. We can use either the substitution method or the elimination method. Let's use the elimination method in this case.

2. Multiply the first equation by 7 and the second equation by 9 to make the coefficients of y in both equations equal.

First equation (after multiplying by 7):
56x + 63y = -133

Second equation (after multiplying by 9):
-27x + 63y = -216

3. Now subtract the second equation from the first equation to eliminate the y variable.

(56x + 63y) - (-27x + 63y) = -133 - (-216)
56x + 63y + 27x - 63y = -133 + 216
83x = 83

4. Divide both sides by 83 to solve for x.

83x / 83 = 83 / 83
x = 1

5. Substitute the value of x (x = 1) into one of the original equations and solve for y.

Using the first equation:
8(1) + 9y = -19
8 + 9y = -19
9y = -19 - 8
9y = -27
y = -27 / 9
y = -3

6. So the solution to the system of equations is x = 1 and y = -3.