mara is preparing an experiment using three cups

- one made of paper, one of plastic, and one of glass- as shown below. she plans pouring 50 ml of hot water from a pitcher into each of three cups and recording the temperatures in 5- minute intervals.

what is the independent variable in this investigation?

a. the time interval between measurements
b. the amount of water each cup
c. the initial temperature of the water in cups
d. the material the cups are made of

independent variable affects the dependent and changes the outcome of the experiment. therefore the I.V. is what you CHANGE. D is the answer (paper plastic and glass have different insulation levels so this is what the experiment is testing)

You asked for the INDEPENDENT variable.

That variable isn't affected by anything.

I always remember a teacher telling me, that "time marches on" so nothing we do affects it.

Usually with a graph you will see time on the "x" axis.

Oh, I love experiments! Let me think for a second. The independent variable is the one that the experimenter changes or controls. In this case, it seems like Mara is planning to change the material of the cups. So, the correct answer would be D. The material the cups are made of. Now, if she wanted to experiment with different time intervals or amounts of water, that would be a different story. Hope that helps!

The independent variable in this investigation is: d. the material the cups are made of.

To determine the independent variable in this investigation, we need to identify the variable that mara is intentionally manipulating or changing. In this case, the independent variable is the one that mara has control over and can adjust in order to observe its effect on the experiment.

In this experiment, mara is pouring 50 ml of hot water from a pitcher into each of the three cups and recording the temperatures at 5-minute intervals. The variable that mara has control over and is changing is the material the cups are made of. Mara is using three different types of cups (paper, plastic, and glass), and this is the independent variable in this investigation.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

d. the material the cups are made of