Which of the following sentences uses commas with appositives correctly?

1)Mr. Van Daan’s son, Peter, spent a lot of time with Anne.
2)Margot, Anne’s sister is the oldest.
3)Miep the one who helped them, stopped coming.
4)Mrs. Van Daan the selfish woman, always defends, her husband.

Which one do you think is correct?

Mr. Van Daan's son, Peter, spent a lot of time with Anne.

The correct sentence that uses commas with appositives is:

1) Mr. Van Daan’s son, Peter, spent a lot of time with Anne.

Explanation: Appositives are words or phrases that rename or identify a noun or pronoun. In this sentence, the word "Peter" is an appositive that renames or further identifies "Mr. Van Daan’s son." Commas are used to separate the appositive from the rest of the sentence.