four times the sum of a number and two increased by three is at least twenty seven

4(x+2) + 3 >= 27


To solve this equation, let's break it down step by step:

1. Let's start by identifying the number in the equation. Let's call the number "x".

2. The sum of a number and two is expressed as "x + 2".

3. Four times the sum of a number and two is "4(x + 2)".

4. The equation states that four times the sum of a number and two increased by three is at least twenty-seven. Mathematically, we can express this as:

4(x + 2) + 3 ≥ 27

Now, to solve the equation:

5. Start by simplifying the left side of the equation:

4(x + 2) + 3 = 4x + 8 + 3

= 4x + 11

6. Now, we have the equation:

4x + 11 ≥ 27

7. To isolate x, let's subtract 11 from both sides of the equation:

4x + 11 - 11 ≥ 27 - 11

4x ≥ 16

8. Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 4:

(4x)/4 ≥ 16/4

x ≥ 4

Therefore, the solution to the equation is x ≥ 4. This means that any number equal to or greater than 4 will satisfy the inequality given in the question.