there are 6 teams in the youth basketball league. during the season, each team plays 15 many total quarters of basketball are played in all of the teams games during the season.

To find the total number of quarters played in all the teams' games during the season, we need to multiply the number of teams by the number of games each team plays and then multiply that by the number of quarters in each game.

1. Calculate the total number of games played in the season by multiplying the number of teams by the number of games each team plays:
Total number of games = Number of teams × Number of games per team
= 6 teams × 15 games
= 90 games

2. Calculate the total number of quarters played by multiplying the total number of games by the number of quarters in each game:
Total number of quarters = Total number of games × Number of quarters per game
= 90 games × 4 quarters
= 360 quarters

Therefore, there are 360 total quarters of basketball played in all of the teams' games during the season.

To find the total number of quarters played in all of the teams' games during the season, we first need to determine the number of quarters played in a single game.

In basketball, there are typically four quarters, each lasting 12 minutes. Therefore, the total number of quarters played in a single game is 4.

Now that we know the number of quarters played in one game, we can calculate the total number of quarters played by multiplying this value by the number of games played by each team. Each team plays 15 games.

So, the total number of quarters played in all of the teams' games is calculated as: 4 (quarters per game) * 15 (games per team) * 6 (number of teams).

Let's calculate:

4 * 15 * 6 = 360

Therefore, there are a total of 360 quarters played in all of the teams' games during the season.