Chuck and Dana agree to meet in Chicago for the weekend. Chuck travels 236 miles in the same time that Dana travels 224 miles. If Chuck’s rate of travel is 3 mph more than Dana’s, and they travel the same length of time, at what speed does Chuck travel?

To solve this problem, we'll use the formula: Speed = Distance/Time.

Let's assume Dana's speed is x mph. Since Chuck's speed is 3 mph more than Dana's, Chuck's speed is (x + 3) mph.

We know that the time they both travel is the same.

Dana's time = Distance/Speed = 224/x
Chuck's time = Distance/Speed = 236/(x + 3)

Since their times are equal:
224/x = 236/(x + 3)

To solve this equation, we'll cross-multiply and solve for x:

224(x + 3) = 236x

224x + 672 = 236x

672 = 236x - 224x

672 = 12x

Dividing both sides by 12:

x = 672/12

x = 56

So, Dana's speed is 56 mph.

And since Chuck's speed is 3 mph more than Dana, Chuck's speed is 56 + 3 = 59 mph.

Therefore, Chuck travels at a speed of 59 mph.