3. “Aunt Dessie unfolded out of the car like a carpenter’s ruler” is an example of


I think its C.

You're right.


You're welcome.

You are correct! The phrase "Aunt Dessie unfolded out of the car like a carpenter's ruler" is indeed an example of a simile. In a simile, two things are compared using "like" or "as." In this case, Aunt Dessie is being compared to a carpenter's ruler, implying that she unfolded from the car in a straight and rigid manner, just like a carpenter's ruler. Well done on identifying the correct answer!

To identify such literary devices in a text, it's important to pay attention to the language used and look for comparisons or descriptions that are not meant to be taken literally. Keep in mind that similes explicitly use "like" or "as" to draw a comparison between two different things. Other figurative language devices, such as personification, symbol, and metaphor, use different techniques to convey meaning.