an athlete. an run in 6 miles in 51 minutes. at this rate approximately how far could the runner go in 1.5 hours?

A. 0.2 miles
B. 8.5 miles
C. 10.6 miles
D. 12.75 miles

6 miles/51 minutes = ?miles/1.5 hours

You need to change 1.5 hours to 90 minutes then you can solve the proportion.


c. 10.6 miles

Well, let me do some quick calculations while trying not to trip over my big clown shoes. If the athlete can run 6 miles in 51 minutes, we can figure out their average speed. In 1 hour (60 minutes), the runner can cover approximately 7.06 miles (6 miles / 0.85).

Now, if we multiply the runner's average speed (7.06 miles per hour) by 1.5 hours, we can find out how far they could go in that time. Drum roll, please!

The answer is approximately 10.6 miles, so option C is the lucky winner!

Remember, though, that this calculation is just an estimate. The runner's pace may vary, depending on factors like fatigue, terrain, and how many banana peels they slip on along the way. Keep running, my athletic friend!

To find out how far the athlete could run in 1.5 hours, first we need to determine the speed at which the athlete is running. We can do this by dividing the distance (6 miles) by the time (51 minutes) the athlete took to cover that distance:

Speed = Distance / Time
Speed = 6 miles / 51 minutes

To calculate how far the athlete could run in 1.5 hours, we need to convert the time into minutes, as the speed is given in miles per minute.

1.5 hours = 1.5 * 60 minutes = 90 minutes

Now we can calculate the distance:

Distance = Speed * Time
Distance = (6 miles / 51 minutes) * 90 minutes

To simplify the calculation, we can cancel out the minutes:

Distance = (6 miles / 51) * 90

Performing the calculation:

Distance ≈ 0.176 * 90
Distance ≈ 15.84 miles

So, approximately, the runner could go about 15.84 miles in 1.5 hours.

None of the given answer choices (A, B, C, D) match this approximate distance.