I must write Analysis, IPOChart, Hierarchy Chart, Flowchart, GUI Design,

Pseudocode, and Test Cases for an office supply inventory tracking program

Here is the Pseudocode that i have so far:

Main Module

1 Declare PensAmount As float
2 Declare PaperAmount As float
3 Declare MarkerAmount As float
4 Declare PaperclipAmount As float
5 Write “Welcome to the Office Supply inventory program, please enter the requested data at the prompts.”
6 Call Input_Data module
7 Call Process_Data module
8 Call Output_Results module

Input Data Module
1. Write “Please select the item you require”
2. Display “Pens[] Paper[] Marker[] Paper Clip[] Nothing[]”
3. If Pens is selected then go to Input Data Module Submodule-Pens
4. If Paper is selected then go to Input Data Module Submodule-Paper
5. If Marker is selected then go to Input Data Module Submodule-Marker
6. If Paper Clip is selected then go to Input Data Module Submodule-PaperClip
7. If Nothing is selected then go to Output Results Module

Write “Please enter the amount of pens in inventory”
Input PensOnHand
Write “Please enter the amount of pens you have added to inventory”
Input PensAdded
Write “Please enter the amount of pens you are taking from inventory”
Input PensTaken
End Module

Write “Please enter the amount of Paper in inventory”
Input PaperOnHand
Write “Please enter the amount of paper you have added to inventory”
Input PaperAdded
Write “Please enter the amount of paper you are taking from inventory”
Input PaperTaken
End Module

Write “Please enter the amount of markers in inventory”
Input MarkersOnHand
Write “Please enter the amount of markers you have added to inventory”
Input MarkersAdded
Write “Please enter the amount of markers you are taking from inventory”
Input MarkersTaken
End Module

Write “Please enter the amount of paperclip in inventory”
Input PaperClipOnHand
Write “Please enter the amount of paperclip you have added to inventory”
Input PaperClipAdded
Write “Please enter the amount of paperclip you are taking from inventory”
Input PaperClipTaken
End Module
Process Data Module
Set PensAmount = PensOnHand+PensAdded-PensTaken
If PensAmount < 20 Then Display [Warning: Pen supply is low, please order more]
Set PaperAmount = PaperOnHand+PaperAdded-PaperTaken
If PaperAmount < 200 Then Display [Warning: Paper supply is low, please order more]
Set MarkerAmount = MarkersOnHand + MarkersAdded - MarkersTaken
If MarkerAmount < 20 Then Display [Warning: Marker supply is low, please order more]
Set PaperclipAmount = PaperClipOnHand + PaperClipAdded - PaperClipTaken
If PaperclipAmount < 50 Then Display [Warning: Paperclip supply is low, please order more]
End Module

Output Results Module
Write “The current amount of Pens in inventory is:”
Display PensAmount
Write “The current amount of Paper in inventory is:”
Display PaperAmount
Write “The current amount of Markers in inventory is:”
Display MarkerAmount
Write “the current amount of Paperclips in inventory is:”
Display PaperclipAmount
Write “Thank you for using the inventory program”
End Program

Can anyone help with this or is this pseudocode ok?

Your pseudocode looks good and provides a clear outline of the steps necessary to create the office supply inventory tracking program.

In order to help you with the other components such as Analysis, IPO Chart, Hierarchy Chart, Flowchart, GUI Design, and Test Cases, here's an explanation of each component and how you can approach it:

1. Analysis: This involves breaking down the problem and understanding its requirements and constraints. You should analyze the problem statement, identify the necessary inputs and outputs, and determine the overall functionality of the program.

2. IPO Chart (Input, Process, Output): An IPO chart helps you visualize the inputs, processes, and outputs in a program. It's a useful tool for understanding the flow of data in your program. You can create a table or diagram with columns for inputs, processes, and outputs and fill in the relevant information.

3. Hierarchy Chart: A Hierarchy Chart illustrates the organizational structure of your program. It shows the relationship between different modules or subroutines. You can use boxes or bubbles to represent modules and arrows to indicate the flow of control between them. Start with the main module and then add the submodules, indicating how they are called and how they interact.

4. Flowchart: A Flowchart is a graphical representation of the step-by-step flow of a program. It depicts the logic of the program using different shapes such as rectangles for processes, diamonds for decisions, and arrows for flow of control. Start with the main module and then add decision points and actions based on the pseudocode. Connect the shapes with arrows to show the flow of control.

5. GUI Design: Graphical User Interface (GUI) design involves creating a visually appealing and user-friendly interface for your program. Identify the different screens or windows that the user will interact with and design the layout, buttons, input fields, and any other graphical elements. You can use software tools like Adobe XD, Sketch, or Figma for GUI design.

6. Test Cases: Test cases are a set of inputs, expected outputs, and execution scenarios that validate the correctness and robustness of your program. Think about different scenarios, edge cases, and boundary conditions to cover all aspects of the program's functionality. Create test cases that cover all branches, loop conditions, and error handling.

Remember to follow software engineering principles such as modularization, good naming conventions, and code readability throughout the development process.

By following these steps and thoroughly analyzing each component, you will be able to create a comprehensive and well-structured office supply inventory tracking program.