draw a scelene triangle ABC with AB=6cm, BC=9cm and CA =8cm. Construct tanggents from vertex C to the circle through AB as diameter

To construct tangents from vertex C to the circle through AB as the diameter, follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a line segment AB of length 6 cm.
Step 2: Draw a circle with AB as the diameter. The center of the circle (O) will be the midpoint of AB.
Step 3: Draw line segments OC and OA, connecting the center of the circle (O) to vertex C and vertex A, respectively.
Step 4: With O as the center and a radius of 8 cm (the length of CA), draw an arc that intersects with OC and OA at points P and Q, respectively. These points (P and Q) are the intersection of the circle and the line segments.
Step 5: Draw line segments CP and CQ, which are the tangents from vertex C to the circle.

Your scalene triangle ABC with AB = 6 cm, BC = 9 cm, and CA = 8 cm, along with the constructed tangents CP and CQ, is now complete.
