167.08 square inches. I need to know the radius of a circle for that number of square inches..

pi r^2 = 167.08

r = sqrt (167.08/3.14159)

r = 7.2927

To find the radius of a circle given its area, you can use the formula for the area of a circle: A = πr^2, where A is the area and r is the radius.

In this case, we have an area of 167.08 square inches. We can set up the formula as follows:

167.08 = πr^2

To solve for r, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. We can start by dividing both sides of the equation by π:

167.08 / π = r^2

Now, take the square root of both sides to solve for r:

√(167.08 / π) = r

Using a calculator, you can find the square root of 167.08 divided by π. The result will give you the radius of the circle with an area of 167.08 square inches.