Which atom or ion would you expect to have the smallest radius?





To determine which atom or ion would have the smallest radius, we need to consider the atomic and ionic structures.

The atomic radius generally decreases from left to right across a period and increases down a group in the periodic table.

In this case, we are comparing Neon (Ne), Fluoride ion (F-), Sodium ion (Na+), and Neon ion (Ne-).

Neon (Ne) is a noble gas located in Group 18 (or 8A) of the periodic table. It has a full electron shell, which means it has the highest effective nuclear charge and the smallest atomic radius among the options given.

Fluoride ion (F-) is formed by adding an extra electron to the neutral fluorine (F) atom. Adding an electron to an atom increases the electron-electron repulsion, causing the electron cloud to expand. Therefore, F- will have a larger radius than the neutral fluorine atom.

Sodium ion (Na+) is formed by removing an electron from the neutral sodium (Na) atom. Removing an electron decreases the electron-electron repulsion, causing the electron cloud to contract. Therefore, Na+ will have a smaller radius than the neutral sodium atom.

Neon ion (Ne-) is formed by gaining an extra electron by the neutral neon (Ne) atom. Similar to the fluoride ion, adding an electron to an atom will increase the electron-electron repulsion, causing the electron cloud to expand. Therefore, Ne- will have a larger radius than the neutral neon atom.

So, based on this information, we can conclude that the atom or ion with the smallest radius would be Neon (Ne).