A firm has 82 employees. The average commute distance (that is, the travel distance from home to work) of the employees is 6.2 miles. How many employees have a commute distance of less than 15.5 miles? Select all that are correct.

more than 25

more than 35

more than 45

A firm has 82 employees. The average commute distance (that is, the travel distance from home to work) of the employees is 6.2 miles. How many employees have a commute distance of less than 15.5 miles? Select all that are correct.

A real estate company is selling 32 houses. One of the houses costs $834,000, but in order to attract more buyers, the price is dropped to $819,000. By how much does this change the average price of the 32 houses?

To determine the number of employees who have a commute distance of less than 15.5 miles, you need to consider the average commute distance and the total number of employees.

Given that the average commute distance is 6.2 miles, you know that some employees will have a commute distance greater than 6.2 miles and some employees will have a commute distance less than 6.2 miles.

However, you don't have any information about the distribution of commute distances, so you cannot directly calculate the number of employees with a commute distance less than 15.5 miles. Without this additional information, you cannot select any of the given options (more than 25, more than 35, or more than 45) as correct answers.

If you have more specific data about the distribution of commute distances, such as the median or standard deviation, it may be possible to estimate the number of employees with a commute distance less than 15.5 miles.