Can someone please check if my answers are correct?

combina las palabras lógicamente.

1. la langosta
2. la salchicha
3. el ají
4. el caldo
5. el sacacorchos
6. hornear
7. los ingredientes
8. la sal
9. el durazno
10. el aderezo
a. el vino
b. la toronja
c. la sopa
d. la receta
e. la pimienta
f. la ensalada
g. el pimiento
h. cocer
i. la albóndiga

My answers:
1. a
2. i
3. g
4. c
5. a
6. h
7. d
8. e
9. b
10. f

To check if your answers are correct, we can match each word in the given list with its corresponding logical combination. Here's how you can verify your answers:

1. Check if "la langosta" (the lobster) matches with "a. el vino" (the wine). If they are related logically (e.g., lobster is commonly served with wine), your answer is correct.

2. Repeat the same process for the rest of the options, matching each word with its logical combination. Here's the complete matching:

1. la langosta - a. el vino
2. la salchicha - i. la albóndiga
3. el ají - g. el pimiento
4. el caldo - c. la sopa
5. el sacacorchos - a. el vino
6. hornear - h. cocer
7. los ingredientes - d. la receta
8. la sal - e. la pimienta
9. el durazno - b. la toronja
10. el aderezo - f. la ensalada

Based on your answers:

1. Correct
2. Incorrect (the correct answer is c, not i)
3. Correct
4. Correct
5. Incorrect (the correct answer is d, not a)
6. Incorrect (the correct answer is h, not h)
7. Correct
8. Correct
9. Incorrect (the correct answer is b, not f)
10. Correct

So, out of your ten answers, the correct ones are:

1. Correct
2. Incorrect
3. Correct
4. Correct
5. Incorrect
6. Incorrect
7. Correct
8. Correct
9. Incorrect
10. Correct