A basketball player runs up and down a basketball court 3 complete times in 60 seconds the basketball court is 30 meter long what is the total distance traveled by the players

To find the total distance traveled by the basketball player, you can multiply the distance covered in one round trip by the number of complete round trips.

Given that the basketball court is 30 meters long and the player completes 3 round trips in 60 seconds, we can find the distance covered in one round trip by dividing the total time by the number of round trips:
Distance per round trip = Total distance / Number of round trips
Distance per round trip = 30 meters / 1 round trip
Distance per round trip = 30 meters

Now, to find the total distance traveled by the player, we can multiply the distance per round trip by the number of complete round trips:
Total distance = Distance per round trip * Number of round trips
Total distance = 30 meters * 3 round trips
Total distance = 90 meters

Therefore, the basketball player traveled a total distance of 90 meters.