2/3(6x + 12)simply the expression

My answer is 12x + 24 am i right or wrong


What did you do with the 3?

4x+24 am i right, if not please tell me your answer.


24 is also multiplied by 2/3

To simplify the expression 2/3(6x + 12), you need to distribute the 2/3 to every term inside the parentheses.

Step 1: Distribute the 2/3 to the first term (6x): (2/3) * 6x = 12x/3 = 4x

Step 2: Distribute the 2/3 to the second term (12): (2/3) * 12 = 24/3 = 8
(Note that 12 divided by 3 is 4, and then multiplied by 2, which gives us 8)

Now, the simplified expression is 4x + 8, not 12x + 24.

Therefore, your answer of 12x + 24 is incorrect.