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In what ways were the Indus Valley people an advanced civilization? In what ways did their civilization compare to an advanced modern civilization today?

Certainly! The Indus Valley civilization, which thrived around 2600 BCE to 1900 BCE, was indeed an advanced civilization for its time. Here are some ways in which they exhibited advancement:

1. Urban Planning: The Indus Valley cities, such as Mohenjo-daro and Harappa, were meticulously planned. They had a grid-like layout with well-organized streets, residential areas, public buildings, and even advanced sanitation systems, including waste disposal and covered drains.

2. Engineering and Architecture: The Indus Valley people displayed remarkable engineering skills, constructing multi-story buildings made of baked brick. They had complex water management systems, with wells, reservoirs, and an intricate network of canals.

3. Agricultural Practices: The Indus Valley civilization practiced a sophisticated form of agriculture. They had an advanced understanding of irrigation techniques, as evident from the extensive canal systems they created to control water flow for agriculture.

4. Trade and Commerce: Archaeological findings suggest that the Indus Valley people engaged in long-distance trade, importing valuable resources like copper, gold, and semi-precious stones from distant regions. They had established trade networks with Mesopotamia, Central Asia, and the Persian Gulf.

When comparing the Indus Valley civilization to a modern advanced civilization like today, there are several notable differences.

1. Technological Advancement: Modern civilizations benefit from advanced technologies like computers, telecommunications, transportation systems, and sophisticated medical advancements. The Indus Valley civilization did not possess such technologies.

2. Scientific Knowledge: Modern civilizations have a vast understanding of various scientific disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, and astronomy. The Indus Valley people, though advanced for their time, had limited scientific knowledge compared to today.

3. Social Complexity: Modern societies have complex social and legal systems, democratic governance, and institutions that ensure the rule of law. The Indus Valley civilization, while organized, did not have such complex political structures.

4. Cultural and Artistic Development: Nowadays, societies have a rich and diverse cultural and artistic landscape, including literature, music, cinema, and visual arts. The creative expressions of the Indus Valley civilization were limited to small figurines and seals, with less evidence of extensive artistic developments.

In summary, the Indus Valley civilization showed advanced features in urban planning, engineering, agriculture, and trade. However, modern advanced civilizations have surpassed them in terms of technological advancements, scientific knowledge, social complexity, and cultural development.