16.Isnt it foolish to think that just because of his (meteoric burly) physique he has no interest in art or music?


17.We scorn all those who would deliberately bend the truth and (distort amble) history in order to suit the political needs of their day

18/Since it is possible for nations to settle their disagreements in a reasonable way we refuse to believe that war is (inevitable dumbfounded)

19.I know that you don't like the idea of working in a gas station but youll just have to (replenish grit) your teeth and do it

20. Suddenly, the stillness of the early morning hours was ( rent rummaged) by a single shot

Yes. All are right.

I see the ? for rent.

Definition of REND
transitive verb
: to remove from place by violence : wrest
: to split or tear apart or in pieces by violence
: to tear (the hair or clothing) as a sign of anger, grief, or despair
a : to lacerate mentally or emotionally
b : to pierce with sound
c : to divide (as a nation) into contesting factions
intransitive verb
: to perform an act of tearing or splitting
: to become torn or split

16. The word "burly" means strongly and heavily built. To determine if it is foolish to think that someone with a burly physique has no interest in art or music, we need to consider their physical appearance and interests independently. It would be incorrect to make assumptions solely based on someone's physical appearance. Instead, it is important to engage in conversation or observe their actions to determine their interests and passions.

17. The word "distort" means to alter or misrepresent the truth or facts. To understand whether it is wrong to deliberately distort or amend history to suit political needs, we need to consider the importance of factual accuracy and historical authenticity. Historically accurate records are crucial for understanding and learning from the past. It is generally considered unethical to manipulate or distort historical facts for personal or political gain.

18. The word "inevitable" means something that is certain to happen and cannot be avoided. To determine the belief about the inevitability of war, we need to assess the existence of peaceful methods to resolve conflicts and the willingness of nations to engage in diplomatic negotiations. If peaceful resolution is possible and nations show a willingness to work towards it, then it is reasonable to refuse the belief that war is inevitable.

19. The phrase "grit your teeth" means to show determination and resilience in facing a difficult or unpleasant situation. In this context, it implies that although the person may not like the idea of working in a gas station, they should mentally prepare themselves and face the challenge with determination. It suggests embracing the unpleasant task and persevering through it.

20. The word "rent" in this context means to disrupt or break with loud and sudden noise. Here, it describes the disruption of stillness caused by a single gunshot in the early morning hours. The peaceful silence of the environment is abruptly interrupted by the sound of the gunshot.