1. These two technological advancements of the Industrial Revolution helped lead to the development of Impressionism.

A. the railroads and the printing press
B. the railroads and photography
C. photography and electric lighting
D. the automobile and electric lighting

2. These two people made scientific contributions to the development of Surrealism.

A. Albert Einstein and Mary Cassatt
B. Albert Einstein and Salvador Dali
C. Sigmund Freud and Salvador Dali
D. Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein

My answers:
1. C
2. D

Thanks to anyone who can help!!!

I agree with your first one. But I vote for B for your second question.

I finished the quiz with 100% :)

My answers were the correct ones.
Thanks anyway, Ms. Sue.

I see what I did wrong. I didn't pay attention to the word "scientific."

I'm glad you were right.

To find the correct answers to these questions, we need to understand the context and the influences of the Industrial Revolution on Impressionism, as well as the scientific contributions to the development of Surrealism. Here is an explanation for each question:

1. The Industrial Revolution brought about significant technological advancements that influenced the development of Impressionism. Impressionism emerged in the mid-19th century when the traditional art world was being challenged and transformed. Artists sought to capture the fleeting effects of light and color in their paintings.

Among the given options, B. the railroads and photography, is the correct answer. The advent of railroads played a crucial role in the development of Impressionism. It allowed artists to travel to different locations quickly, providing access to new subjects for their paintings. This mobility helped artists capture the changing landscapes and urban environments of the time.

Furthermore, the invention and widespread availability of photography influenced Impressionist artists as well. Photography presented a new way of capturing and reproducing images, challenging the notion that art must strictly represent reality. Impressionists were inspired by photography's ability to capture fleeting moments and its capacity for experimentation with composition and perspective.

2. Surrealism is an artistic and literary movement that emerged in the early 20th century. It aimed to channel the unconscious mind, dreams, and the irrational in order to explore the true nature of reality. To find the scientific contributors to Surrealism, we need to look for individuals who made relevant contributions during that time.

The correct answer to this question is C. Sigmund Freud and Salvador Dali. Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis. His theories about the unconscious mind, dreams, and the interpretation of symbols greatly influenced Surrealist artists. Freud's ideas about the significance of the irrational and the subconscious mind resonated with the Surrealist movement's focus on the exploration of the unconscious.

Salvador Dali, on the other hand, was a prominent Surrealist artist known for his imaginative, dreamlike, and often bizarre artworks. He incorporated Freudian concepts into his paintings, exploring symbolism, the subconscious mind, and irrational juxtapositions of imagery.

So, the correct answers are:
1. B. the railroads and photography
2. C. Sigmund Freud and Salvador Dali