Dalia made 8 party bags for her birthday party. Each bag contained 4 small gifts for her friends. When Denis said that she could come, Dalia had to make one more bag with 4 gifts. How many small gifts did Dalia need to fill her bags?

Walter wrote this number model: 8 x (4+4)=64

Explain what Walter's mistake.

1 Bag = 4 Gifts

Total # of party bags = 8
Total # of part bags + Denis = 9

So originally the # of gifts without Denis would have the following equation:

8 x 4 = 32

Now that Denis is coming we have 9 party bags:
9 x 4 = 36


(8 x 4) + 4 = 36

So you see that the mistake is where Walter placed his brackets. Does this make sense?

Oh I get it now, okay thank you very much!!

No problem :)

Walter's mistake lies in his number model. Let's break down the equation he wrote, which is 8 x (4+4) = 64. The equation suggests that Dalia made 8 bags, and each bag contained 4 gifts. To account for the additional bag, Denis's attendance required, Walter added another 4 to the equation. However, the error lies in multiplying the sum of 4+4 by 8.

In reality, to find the total number of small gifts Dalia needed to fill her bags, we need to multiply the number of bags by the number of gifts in each bag. The correct equation should be:

8 x 4 = 32

Dalia needed a total of 32 small gifts to fill her 8 bags.