1. Si yo Tuviera Hambre, Me volvería a comer (comer.)

2. Si el bebe Tuviera sueño, eL estaría en bed (dormir.)

3. ¿Que te necesito to (gustar) pedir?

4. Me loved (gustar) las pechugas de pollo.

5. Si yo fuera Tom Cruise, i haría (ser) Famoso.
6. Yo talking amor con el.
7. Si yo fuera famoso, mi casa ___valdría_____ (valer) mucho dinero.

8. Si Javier no tuviera que trabajar, él ___vendr_____ (venir) al teatro con nosotros.

9. Si yo fuera tú, no ____tendr____ (tener) dos perros.

10. Si Javier fuera rico, ____pondría____(poder) comprarte diamantes.

11. Yo que tú, ___dir_____ (decir) lo mismo.

12. Si tuviera calor, yo no ____pondr____ (poner) mi abrigo (jacket.)

13. ¿Si fueras Lisa Simpson, ___hiria____ (hacer) lo mismo?

14. Si yo fuera Elena, no __pondría____ (poder) verle otra vez.

15. ¿Si tuvieras dos hijos, ____dir___ (decir) lo mismo?

16. Si yo fuera rico, ___tendr_____ (tener) dos casas.

17. Si Javier fuera un disc jockey, ___pondr _____ (poner) música buena.

18. Si fuera médico, yo __sabr____ (saber) más de medicina.

1. The correct sentence should be "Si yo tuviera hambre, me volvería a comer." This sentence is in Spanish and translates to "If I were hungry, I would eat again." The verb "comer" means "to eat."

2. The correct sentence should be "Si el bebé tuviera sueño, él estaría en la cama." This sentence is in Spanish and translates to "If the baby were sleepy, he would be in bed." The verb "dormir" means "to sleep."

3. The correct sentence should be "¿Qué te gustaría pedir?" This sentence is in Spanish and translates to "What would you like to order?" The verb "gustar" means "to like" or "to enjoy."

4. The correct sentence should be "Me gustan las pechugas de pollo." This sentence is in Spanish and translates to "I like chicken breasts." The verb "gustar" is conjugated to match the plural noun "pechugas" (breasts).

5. The correct sentence should be "Si yo fuera Tom Cruise, sería famoso." This sentence is in Spanish and translates to "If I were Tom Cruise, I would be famous." The verb "ser" means "to be."

6. The sentence "Yo talking amor con él" is incorrect. It seems like a translation error. If you want to say "I am talking about love with him" in Spanish, it would be "Estoy hablando de amor con él."

7. The correct sentence should be "Si yo fuera famoso, mi casa valdría mucho dinero." This sentence is in Spanish and translates to "If I were famous, my house would be worth a lot of money." The verb "valer" means "to be worth."

8. The correct sentence should be "Si Javier no tuviera que trabajar, él vendría al teatro con nosotros." This sentence is in Spanish and translates to "If Javier didn't have to work, he would come to the theater with us." The verb "venir" means "to come."

9. The correct sentence should be "Si yo fuera tú, no tendría dos perros." This sentence is in Spanish and translates to "If I were you, I wouldn't have two dogs." The verb "tener" means "to have."

10. The correct sentence should be "Si Javier fuera rico, podría comprarte diamantes." This sentence is in Spanish and translates to "If Javier were rich, he could buy you diamonds." The verb "poder" means "to be able to" or "can."

11. The correct sentence should be "Yo que tú, diría lo mismo." This sentence is in Spanish and translates to "If I were you, I would say the same thing." The verb "decir" means "to say."

12. The correct sentence should be "Si tuviera calor, no pondría mi abrigo." This sentence is in Spanish and translates to "If I were hot, I wouldn't put on my jacket." The verb "poner" means "to put."

13. The correct sentence should be "Si fueras Lisa Simpson, ¿harías lo mismo?" This sentence is in Spanish and translates to "If you were Lisa Simpson, would you do the same thing?" The verb "hacer" means "to do" or "to make."

14. The correct sentence should be "Si yo fuera Elena, no podría verle otra vez." This sentence is in Spanish and translates to "If I were Elena, I wouldn't be able to see him again." The verb "poder" means "to be able to" or "can."

15. The correct sentence should be "Si tuvieras dos hijos, ¿dirías lo mismo?" This sentence is in Spanish and translates to "If you had two children, would you say the same thing?" The verb "decir" means "to say."

16. The correct sentence should be "Si yo fuera rico, tendría dos casas." This sentence is in Spanish and translates to "If I were rich, I would have two houses." The verb "tener" means "to have."

17. The correct sentence should be "Si Javier fuera disc jockey, pondría música buena." This sentence is in Spanish and translates to "If Javier were a disc jockey, he would play good music." The verb "poner" means "to put" or "to play."

18. The correct sentence should be "Si fuera médico, yo sabría más de medicina." This sentence is in Spanish and translates to "If I were a doctor, I would know more about medicine." The verb "saber" means "to know."