A car rental agency charges $250 per week plus $0.25 per mile to rent a car. How many miles can you travel in one week for

for how much?

Que? :b

more than 14,700 miles




To find out how many miles you can travel in one week for a given cost, we need to determine the cost per mile and then divide the total cost by the cost per mile.

The rental agency charges $250 per week and $0.25 per mile.

Let's assume the total cost for one week of rental is $x.

Therefore, the cost per mile can be calculated as follows:

Cost per mile = Total cost / Miles traveled

In this case, we have:

$x = $250 (Weekly cost)
$0.25 (Cost per mile)
x = Total cost for one week of rental

To find the number of miles you can travel in one week for $x, we can rearrange the equation:

Miles traveled = Total cost / Cost per mile

Miles traveled = x / $0.25

Therefore, the number of miles you can travel in one week for a cost of $x would be:

Miles traveled = x / $0.25

Please note that the value of $x was not provided in the initial question, so you would need to specify the value of $x in order to calculate the number of miles.