The Civil War was an example of which type of conflict?

a. interpersonal
b. intrapersonal
c. intergroup
d. intragroup

I believe its C, is that correct?


No, the correct answer is c. intergroup. The Civil War was fought between two groups - the Union and the Confederate states. It was a conflict that arose between different groups or factions within a society.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the definitions of each option.

a. Interpersonal conflict: This is the conflict between individuals.
b. Intrapersonal conflict: This is the conflict within oneself, where an individual is torn between different thoughts or feelings.
c. Intergroup conflict: This is the conflict between groups or collectives, such as different organizations, communities, or nations.
d. Intragroup conflict: This is the conflict within a group, involving disagreements, tensions, or power struggles among its members.

Based on the description, the Civil War was a conflict between two groups: the Northern states, known as the Union, and the Southern states, known as the Confederacy. Therefore, the correct answer is c. Intergroup conflict.

Yes, your answer is correct.