what is so special about the elements in Group 8 on the Periodic table?

group 8 elements have full valence electron shells. (valence electron are in the outermost shell of an atom) this makes the elements in group 8 stable or inert. they are also transition metals.

hope this helps!

Thank you

For the most part they are unreactive and don't form many compounds. For years everyone thought they formed NO compounds; however, a few compounds of some of the noble gases are now known to exist.

The elements in Group 8 of the Periodic Table are known as the noble gases. The noble gases include helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), and radon (Rn). These elements are quite special due to their unique properties and behavior.

Noble gases are known for their low reactivity and stability, which is primarily attributed to their electron configuration. They have a full outermost electron shell, making them chemically inert in most circumstances. This stable electron configuration gives noble gases very low tendency to form chemical bonds with other elements.

One of the noteworthy properties of noble gases is their lack of color, odor, and taste. They are also characterized by their low boiling and melting points, which increase progressively as you move down the group. For example, helium remains a gas even at extremely low temperatures, while xenon and radon are gases at room temperature but can be liquefied under specific conditions.

Another special feature of noble gases is their use in various applications. Helium, for instance, is commonly used in cryogenics and as a lifting gas for balloons due to its low density. Neon is employed in advertising signs to produce a bright red-orange glow when an electric current passes through it. Argon is often used as an inert gas in light bulbs to prevent the filament from oxidizing and burning out.

To find out what is special about the elements in Group 8 on the Periodic Table, you could consult reliable scientific sources such as chemistry textbooks or reputable websites that provide information about the properties and characteristics of the noble gases.