what is the sum of (x^2-3x+2) and (5x^2-3x-8)?

how would you solve this???? please help

You have to combine like terms.

When you add you keep the variable(letter) with its exponent and and the coefficients (numbers in front)

3x + 5x = 8x

You are going to combine your x^2 terms
your x terms and your constants.

Show me your answer and I will check it.

so would it be


-3x -3x = -6x

this is the same as -3x + -3x + -6x
You are right, but missing the middle term.

-3x + 3x = 0 that isn't what you had here.

oh because i thought it was a negative and a positive so they cancel out

but its 7x^2-6x-6? or...?

Correct. You have to be careful with the signs.

Thank you c:

You are welcome.