The supplement of angle z is 120 degrees what is the complement of angle z?

Supplements add to 180

What is angle z?

Complements add to 90.

what is the complement of z?

To find the complement of an angle, we need to determine the difference between the angle and 90 degrees.

Here, we are given that the supplement of angle z is 120 degrees. The supplement of an angle is the angle that, when added to the original angle, gives a sum of 180 degrees. In other words, the supplement of angle z is (180 - z) degrees.

Since we are given that (180 - z) = 120 degrees, we can solve for z:

180 - z = 120
Subtracting 180 from both sides of the equation:
180 - 180 - z = 120 - 180
-z = -60
Dividing by -1 on both sides of the equation:
z = 60

So, angle z is 60 degrees.

Now, to find the complement of angle z, we subtract the angle from 90 degrees:

Complement of angle z = 90 - z
= 90 - 60
= 30

Therefore, the complement of angle z is 30 degrees.