How do you figure out what the slope of a graph is in the following question?

The slope of the graph of y = x is what?


compare y = x

with y = mx+b

m = slope
What number is in front of the "x" in your equation?

To figure out the slope of the graph y = x, we need to remember that the slope represents the amount of vertical change (rise) for each unit of horizontal change (run).

In the given equation, y = x, notice that the coefficient of x is 1. This means that for every increase in x by 1 unit, y will also increase by 1 unit.

So, the slope of the graph is 1. This means that for every 1 unit increase in the value of x, the value of y will also increase by 1 unit.

To summarize, in the equation y = x, the slope is 1.