in which of the following sentence is the verb in the active voice?a.the boy was called by his mother. b.we were told that jim is ill. c.the telephone bill was paid yesterday.d.the mother called her son for lunch.

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To determine which sentence has the verb in the active voice, we need to understand the difference between active and passive voice. In the active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action, while in the passive voice, the subject receives the action.

Let's analyze each sentence:

a. "The boy was called by his mother."
This sentence is in the passive voice because the subject "the boy" receives the action "was called" from the doer, "his mother."

b. "We were told that Jim is ill."
This sentence is also in the passive voice because the subject "we" receives the action "were told" from an unknown or unspecified doer.

c. "The telephone bill was paid yesterday."
Similar to the previous examples, this sentence is in the passive voice as the subject "the telephone bill" receives the action "was paid" from an unknown or unspecified doer.

d. "The mother called her son for lunch."
This sentence is in the active voice because the subject "the mother" performs the action "called" directly on the object "her son."

Therefore, the sentence that has the verb in the active voice is: d. "The mother called her son for lunch."