real world situation a problem describing incresing then constant and finally decreasing

How about height during one's lifespan?

A real-world situation that can describe increasing, then constant, and finally decreasing could be the consumption of a limited resource over time.

Let's take the example of a car's fuel consumption during a road trip. Initially, as the car starts the trip, its fuel consumption may increase as it accelerates and covers a distance. This can be due to factors like a higher speed or driving uphill, which demand more energy from the engine.

Once the car reaches a steady cruising speed on a flat road, its fuel consumption may remain relatively constant. This can occur when the driver maintains a consistent speed and the road conditions do not require additional power from the engine.

However, as the trip progresses, the car's fuel level gradually decreases. Eventually, as the fuel supply gets depleted, the car's fuel consumption starts to rise again as the engine requires more effort to operate. This could be seen, for example, when climbing uphill or if the driver pushes the car closer to its maximum performance capabilities.

In this scenario, the fuel consumption goes through the stages of increasing, constant, and then decreasing as the journey unfolds. It demonstrates a real-world situation where a parameter exhibits such a pattern.