graph the line


There a few ways to do this problem.

You could chose values for x and then solve for y.

If x = 0, you would have -4y = -8 so y = 2

You need 3 points to graph the line.
Try x = 4 and then find y.

another way is to put the equation into the form of y = mx + b

-4y = -3x - 8
y = 3/4 x + 2

You can choose values for x... like 0, 4, 8 which will make the math a little easier and then find y.

I understand the values for x but I don't understand how do you get the value for y. Could you show me the work so I can know for myself how to do it

y = 3/4 (0) + 2 = 0 + 2

To graph the line 3x - 4y = -8, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Solve for y in terms of x.
Rearrange the equation to isolate y:
3x - 4y = -8
Subtract 3x from both sides:
-4y = -3x - 8
Divide all terms by -4 to solve for y:
y = (3/4)x + 2

Step 2: Determine two points on the line.
Choose any two values for x and substitute them into the equation to find the corresponding y values. This will give us two points that lie on the line.
Let's choose x = 0:
y = (3/4)(0) + 2
y = 2
So one point is (0, 2).

Choose another value for x, such as x = 4:
y = (3/4)(4) + 2
y = 3 + 2
y = 5
So another point is (4, 5).

Step 3: Plot the points and draw the line.
Plot the two points you found on a coordinate plane: (0, 2) and (4, 5).
Then, use a ruler or straight edge to draw a line that passes through these two points. This line represents the graph of the equation 3x - 4y = -8.

Note: You can also find more points by choosing additional x-values and substituting them into the equation. The more points you plot, the more accurate your graph will be.