Will somebody please help?

I don't know spanish that well.
Thanks you.

14. Choose the most logical completion for the sentence.
_________ la puerta.

A.) Pienso
B.) Pierdo
C.) Cierro
D.) Entiendo

15. Choose the most logical completion for the sentence.
Ellos no ___________ la lección.

A.) meriendan
B.) entienden
C.) pierden
D.) cierran

16. Choose the most logical completion for the sentence.
Los estudiantes ______ en la clase.

A.) cierran
B.) meriendan
C.) pierden
D.) piensan

17. Choose the most logical completion for the sentence.
Yo ________ viajar a México.

A.) entiendo
B.) cierro
C.) quiero
D.) meriendo

18. Choose the most logical completion for the sentence.
Mi maestra ________ que hay un examen mañana.

A.) merienda
B.) dice
C.) entiende
D.) pierde

Thank You very much.

14)c 15)b 16)d 17)c 18)b

Thank you so much

thanks :)

Of course, I'm here to help! Let's go through each question one by one and explain how to get the answer.

14. "_________ la puerta." This sentence is asking for the most logical completion. To determine the correct answer, you need to think about what word would fit naturally in this context. The options given are: A) Pienso, B) Pierdo, C) Cierro, D) Entiendo. The most logical completion for the sentence is "C) Cierro." This is because "cierro" means "close" in Spanish and it is the most appropriate verb for completing the sentence.

15. "Ellos no ___________ la lección." Here again, you need to choose the most logical completion. The options are: A) meriendan, B) entienden, C) pierden, D) cierran. In this case, the most logical completion is "B) entienden." This is because "entienden" means "understand" in Spanish, and the sentence is saying "They don't understand the lesson."

16. "Los estudiantes ______ en la clase." For this sentence, you need to determine the most appropriate verb to complete it. The options given are: A) cierran, B) meriendan, C) pierden, D) piensan. The most logical completion for this sentence is "D) piensan." This is because "piensan" means "think" in Spanish, and the sentence is saying "The students think in the class."

17. "Yo ________ viajar a México." Here, you need to choose the verb that fits the sentence. The options are: A) entiendo, B) cierro, C) quiero, D) meriendo. The most logical completion for this sentence is "C) quiero." This is because "quiero" means "want" in Spanish, and the sentence is saying "I want to travel to Mexico."

18. "Mi maestra ________ que hay un examen mañana." For this sentence, you need to choose the verb that fits appropriately. The options given are: A) merienda, B) dice, C) entiende, D) pierde. The most logical completion for this sentence is "B) dice." This is because "dice" means "says" in Spanish, and the sentence is saying "My teacher says that there is an exam tomorrow."

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.