Amy has 80 photos for her scrapbook. If she can fit 4 photos on each page of the 15 pages she has, how many more pages does she need to buy?

80 photos with 4 per page means she needs 20 pages.

Can you finish the problem from here?

she needs 5 more pages. Thanks JJ

Amy has 80 photos for her scrapbook. If she can fit 4 photos on each page of the 15 pages she has how many more does she need to buy

is that it

To find out how many more pages Amy needs to buy, we first need to figure out how many photos can fit on the pages she already has. We can do this by finding the total number of photos that the 15 pages can accommodate.

Since 4 photos can fit on each page, we multiply the number of pages (15) by the number of photos per page (4):

15 x 4 = 60

So, the 15 pages can accommodate a total of 60 photos.

But Amy has 80 photos, which means she has 80 - 60 = 20 more photos than can fit on the 15 pages.

Since each additional page can fit 4 more photos, we divide the remaining 20 photos by the number of photos per page (4):

20 / 4 = 5

Therefore, Amy needs to buy 5 more pages to fit all of her photos in the scrapbook.