We hung makeshift curtains in our room using?

A.bed sheets.
B.old curtains.
C.new curtains

I think it is A?


Thank you....

You're welcome.

To determine the correct answer, you would need to consider the materials commonly used to hang makeshift curtains. In this case, the options provided are:

A. Bed sheets: Bed sheets can be used as makeshift curtains by attaching them to curtain rods or hooks.

B. Old curtains: If you already have old curtains in your possession, you can repurpose them by hanging them in your room.

C. New curtains: New curtains, although not explicitly stated as "makeshift," can also be used to hang in your room.

Based on these options, it seems like any of the choices (A, B, or C) could be used to hang makeshift curtains in your room. It ultimately depends on the availability of materials and personal preference.