Write 0.026 As a sum using powers of 10 to show place value

2 is in the hundredth place so it can

be written as 2 x 10^-2

6 is in the thousandth place so it can be written as 6 x 10^-3

To write 0.026 as a sum using powers of 10 to show place value, we first need to identify the place value of each digit in the number.

0.026 can be broken down as follows:
- The digit 0 is in the tenths place, which can be represented as 0.0
- The digit 2 is in the hundredths place, which can be represented as 0.02
- The digit 6 is in the thousandths place, which can be represented as 0.006

Putting it all together, we can express 0.026 as the sum of these three place values using powers of 10:

0.026 = 0.0 + 0.02 + 0.006

In terms of powers of 10, the sum can be written as:

0.026 = 0.0 x 10^0 + 0.02 x 10^-1 + 0.006 x 10^-2

0.026 can be written as a sum using powers of 10 as follows:

0.026 = 0 × 10^-1 + 2 × 10^-2 + 6 × 10^-3