What contributions did Solon and Cleisthenes make to the development of Athenian democracy?Solon let all Athenian citizens participate in the Assembly and Cleisthenes created the Council of Five Hundred.

What steps did Pericles take to strengthen democracy in Athens? he increased the number of public officials who were paid salaries- this was important because now even poor people can serve in government. which led into a democracy.

What happened to Alexander’s empire after his death? Alexander's Maccedonian generals keep his empire under control.

How did trade contribute to cultural diversity in the Hellenistic city of Alexandria?
It made it so that it became and international community so it had a rich mixture of customs and traditions

Additionally, trade brought people from different regions together, leading to the exchange of ideas, beliefs, and cultural practices. This cultural diversity fostered intellectual and artistic developments, as well as the blending of different cultural elements, creating a vibrant and cosmopolitan city.

To find the contributions of Solon and Cleisthenes to the development of Athenian democracy, one can refer to historical sources such as books, articles, and research papers on ancient Athenian history or specifically on the democratic reforms. Reading primary sources, such as works of ancient historians like Herodotus or Plutarch, can also provide valuable insights.

For Pericles' efforts to strengthen democracy in Athens, one can study secondary sources such as books or scholarly articles on Athenian democracy during the time of Pericles. Reading Pericles' own speeches and works, like his Funeral Oration, can also provide information on his policies and reforms.

To understand what happened to Alexander's empire after his death, one can refer to historical sources that discuss the period known as the Wars of the Diadochi or the Successor Wars. These sources include the works of ancient historians like Arrian, Diodorus Siculus, and Plutarch, as well as modern books and research papers on the topic.

For trade's contribution to cultural diversity in the Hellenistic city of Alexandria, one can refer to historical sources that discuss the cultural and commercial aspects of the city. These may include ancient accounts by travelers, merchants, or historians, as well as modern research papers and scholarly works on Hellenistic Alexandria and trade in the ancient world.

You're on the right track, but you need more details and complete answers.

Which accurately describes Athenian King Solon’s impact on citizenship and government?

(Select all that apply.)

He outlawed capital punishment.
He established a court system and a trial by one’s peers.
He created criteria for Athenian citizenship.
He abolished slavery in Athens.

I have literally tried every possible answer and it all says they are wrong someone please help!