Pluto alters the orbit of which planet?

Neptune *
My guess is Neptune? There is not alo of info. that said the word "alters"?
Help please....

Nope. If you do a web search on Pluto, you will discover that it was perturbations in the orbit of Uranus that sparked the discovery.

It was found that such perturbations could not be explained by the presence of Neptune, so the search went on for another planet messing with Uranus's orbit.

Well I got it wrong changing it to Uranus....Neptune was right...thanks anyhow

Pluto alters the orbit of which planet?

To determine which planet Pluto alters the orbit of, we need to consider their respective positions and gravitational influences.

Pluto, although it used to be classified as a planet, is now considered a dwarf planet. It lies in the outer region of our solar system called the Kuiper Belt. While it does have some gravitational effect on nearby celestial objects, its influence on larger planets is negligible.

In reality, no significant alteration is caused by Pluto on any of the major planets' orbits, given its relatively small size and distance from them. Therefore, the correct answer is none of the listed planets (Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, or Jupiter) have their orbits directly altered by Pluto.

It's worth noting that the discovery of Pluto's orbit irregularities contributed to the reclassification of what is considered a planet, leading to its current dwarf planet status.