Reasoning It costs $7 for a matinee and $8 for an evening movie. With $56, would you be able to buy more matinee tickets or evening tickets? Explain.

I need the explanation for it

You would be able to by 7evening movies and 8 matinees but you would have no more money left.


56 / 7 = 8 tickets

56 / 8 = 7 tickets

how do i get the answer to $63 devided by $7 = $9

hi i just want to say to subscrib to molly olsen


To determine whether you can buy more matinee tickets or evening tickets with $56, we need to compare the number of tickets you can buy at each price point.

Let's assume you can buy x matinee tickets and y evening tickets. Given that a matinee ticket costs $7 and an evening ticket costs $8, we can set up the following equations:

7x = total cost of matinee tickets
8y = total cost of evening tickets

We know that the total amount spent on tickets is equal to $56, so the equation becomes:

7x + 8y = 56

To determine whether you can buy more matinee or evening tickets, we need to find a combination of x and y that satisfies this equation.

However, there are infinitely many solutions to this equation, as long as x and y satisfy the equation. To find a specific solution, we can use trial and error or substitution.

Let's start with trial and error:

If we assume you buy 0 matinee tickets (x = 0), then the equation becomes:

8y = 56
y = 56/8
y = 7

This means you can buy 7 evening tickets, costing a total of $8 x 7 = $56. In this scenario, you cannot buy any matinee tickets.

Now, let's assume you buy 1 matinee ticket (x = 1), then the equation becomes:

7 + 8y = 56
8y = 56 - 7
8y = 49
y = 49/8

Since y is not an integer, buying 1 matinee ticket doesn't yield a solution.

Continuing this process, we can test more values of x and y to see if we can find a combination that satisfies the equation.

Alternatively, we can use substitution to solve the equation:

From the equation 7x + 8y = 56, we can rearrange it as follows:

7x = 56 - 8y
x = (56 - 8y)/7

Now, we can substitute values of y and find corresponding values of x:

For y = 1:
x = (56 - 8)/7
x = 48/7

For y = 2:
x = (56 - 16)/7
x = 40/7

Again, we see that x is not an integer.

By calculating for different values of y, we find that there are no integer solutions that satisfy the equation with $56.

Therefore, with $56, it is impossible to buy both matinee and evening tickets.