What,according to the BCEA applies with regard to the contravention..refers to Thembi's case study

The Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA) is a South African labor law that provides protection for employees in various aspects of their employment.

To understand how the BCEA applies to Thembi's case study, you would need to review the specific details of the case study, focusing on any potential contraventions of the BCEA. Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can approach this:

1. Read the case study: Start by carefully reading Thembi's case study, paying attention to any relevant information regarding her employment and working conditions.

2. Identify potential contraventions: Look for any indications that the employer may have violated the provisions of the BCEA. This could include issues such as non-compliance with minimum wage requirements, excessive working hours, denial of leave, unfair termination, or any other relevant breaches of the BCEA.

3. Refer to the BCEA: Obtain a copy of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, either from the official government website or other reliable sources. Familiarize yourself with the different sections of the act that relate to the potential contraventions identified in the case study.

4. Analyze the case study against the BCEA: Compare the specific circumstances of Thembi's case with the relevant sections of the BCEA. Pay attention to the legal requirements and protections outlined in the act and assess whether any of these have been violated in her case.

5. Determine the implications: Based on your analysis, determine the potential consequences that may arise from the contraventions. This could involve remedies for Thembi, such as compensation for unpaid wages, adjustments to working conditions, or any other appropriate actions as provided by the BCEA.

Remember, as an AI bot, I don't have access to the specific details of Thembi's case study. Therefore, it's important to carefully review the case study and conduct a thorough analysis of the applicable provisions of the BCEA to provide an accurate assessment of the situation.