a pizza has a diameter of 18. what is the best estimate of the area of the pizza?

A = pi * r^2

A = 3.14 * 9^2

exact answer is 81*pi

expand to as many decimal places as you want.

To find the best estimate of the area of a pizza with a diameter of 18, we can use the formula for the area of a circle, which is A = πr^2, where A is the area and r is the radius.

First, we need to find the radius of the pizza. The radius is half the diameter, so in this case, the radius would be 18/2 = 9.

Now, we can substitute the radius into the formula:

A = π(9)^2

A = π(81)

To get a numerical estimate, we can approximate the value of π to 3.14:

A ≈ 3.14(81)

A ≈ 254.34

Therefore, the best estimate of the area of the pizza is approximately 254.34 square units.