5. Which of the choices correctly answers the question?

¿Cómo se llaman tus abuelos?

Mis abuelos se llaman Jorge.
*Mis abuelos se llaman Jorge y Berta.
Mis abuelos se llama Jorge y Berta.

6. Which of the choices best answers the question?

¿Tienes hermanos?

*Sí, tengo hermanos.
Sí, tienes hermanos.
No, no tienes hermanos.

7. Which of the choices best answers the question?

¿Cuántos primos tienes?

Tienes siete primos.
*Tengo siete primos.
Sí, tengo primos.

8. Which of the choices best answers the question?

¿Cómo se llama tu padre?

Tu padre se llama José.
Su padre se llama José.
*Mi padre se llama José.

Thank You

The asterisked (*) answers correctly answer the question.

Thank You

To answer all four questions correctly, follow these guidelines:

5. The question is asking for the names of your grandparents. Look at the options and find the one that correctly provides the names. In this case, the correct answer is "Mis abuelos se llaman Jorge y Berta."

6. The question is asking if you have siblings. Look at the options and find the one that best answers the question. In this case, the correct answer is "Sí, tengo hermanos."

7. The question is asking how many cousins you have. Look at the options and find the one that best answers the question. In this case, the correct answer is "Tengo siete primos."

8. The question is asking for the name of your father. Look at the options and find the one that best answers the question. In this case, the correct answer is "Mi padre se llama José."

Remember to carefully read the question and options, paying close attention to details such as conjugation, possessive pronouns, and word order.