How do you explain to a 3rd grader that 1/2 + 1/8 > 1 whole

I can't because that is not a true inequality.

1/2 + 1/8 < 1

This site may help you.

use a visual chart, like a pie chart

To explain to a 3rd grader that 1/2 + 1/8 is greater than a whole, you can use visual aids and relate it to something they understand, like pizza slices.

1. Start by drawing a whole pizza on a piece of paper and divide it into 8 equal slices. Explain that each slice represents 1/8 of the pizza.

2. Shade 1/2 of the pizza by coloring in 4 out of the 8 slices. Explain that this represents 1/2 of the pizza.

3. Ask the child to count the number of shaded slices, which should be 4. Then, ask them to count the total number of slices, which is 8. Point out that 4 slices out of 8 are shaded, which is the same as 1/2 of the pizza.

4. Next, explain that we want to add 1/8 of a pizza to the 1/2 we already have. To do this, draw another 1/8 slice next to the pizza and shade it in as well.

5. Encourage the child to count the total number of shaded slices now, which should be 5. Remind them that they already had 1/2 of the pizza, and now they added another 1/8. So, they have a total of 5 out of 8 slices.

6. Lastly, compare the total shaded slices (5) to the total slices (8). Explain that because more than half of the pizza is shaded, 5 out of 8 is greater than a whole pizza.

By using a visual representation and relating it to something familiar, like pizza, you can help the child understand that 1/2 + 1/8 is greater than 1 whole.