My history professor has asked that we present 3 possible research paper topics to her based on mythology or a belief system that may influence present time. I am having trouble with this. I have lots of ideas. .reincarnation, karma, paganism..even aromatherapy but turning the ideas into that working thesis is the problem. how do I do that?

I suggest you take two or three of your possible topics and research them. That will help you narrow them down and construct a working thesis.

You could start with this article.

To turn your ideas into a working thesis for your research paper, you can follow a few steps:

1. Choose a specific and focused topic: Take one of your ideas, such as reincarnation, karma, paganism, or aromatherapy, and narrow it down to a specific aspect or question that you want to explore in your paper. This will make it easier to develop a coherent thesis statement.

2. Do background research: Before crafting your thesis, conduct some preliminary research on your chosen topic. Explore academic journals, books, credible websites, and other scholarly sources to gather information and gain a better understanding of the subject. This will help you refine your ideas and identify key points to include in your thesis.

3. Brainstorm and make connections: Start by brainstorming any possible connections between your chosen topic (e.g., reincarnation, karma, paganism, aromatherapy) and present-time influences. Consider how these beliefs or practices are relevant in today's world, how they affect individuals or society, and any potential implications they may have. This can help you identify the focus of your paper and begin developing your thesis.

4. State your argument or position: Once you have a clearer understanding of your topic and its present-day influences, formulate a strong argument or position that reflects the main idea you want to convey in your research paper. This argument should be specific, debatable, and supported by evidence that you will gather throughout your research.

5. Refine your thesis statement: Based on the argument or position you have established, craft your thesis statement. The thesis statement should be a concise and clear statement that outlines the main argument of your paper and provides a roadmap for your research. It should be specific enough to guide your research and allow you to present a focused and coherent analysis.

For example, if you were interested in exploring the present-day influence of aromatherapy, your thesis statement could be:

"The practice of aromatherapy has gained popularity in modern society due to its potential influence on physical and mental well-being, evidenced by its incorporation in alternative medicine, self-care routines, and spa industries."

Remember, your thesis statement may evolve as you conduct further research and refine your argument. It's important to remain flexible and revise your thesis as necessary to ensure it accurately represents the scope and direction of your research paper.