cubic root of 27x^4 y^13


Kev probably meant

3xy^3 cuberoot(xy)

or 3xy^3 (xy)^(1/3)

To find the cubic root of 27x^4y^13, we can break down the expression into its individual factors and then take the cubic root of each factor.

Step 1: Start with 27x^4y^13.
Step 2: Break down 27 into its prime factors: 3 * 3 * 3.
Step 3: Take the cubic root of each factor:
- The cubic root of 3 is ∛3.
- The cubic root of x^4 is ∛(x^4) = x^(4/3) since the power is divided by 3.
- The cubic root of y^13 is ∛(y^13) = y^(13/3) since the power is divided by 3.
Step 4: Combine the individual cubic root factors:
- (∛3) * (∛(x^4)) * (∛(y^13)) = ∛(3x^(4/3)y^(13/3)).

Therefore, the cubic root of 27x^4y^13 is ∛(3x^(4/3)y^(13/3)).