Scientists report (1) THAT CREATURES LIVING IN THE DEEP SEA ARE IN DANGER OF STARVING TO DEATH. Millions of undiscovered species live, in the deep sea. Creatures in the seabed are suffering from growing food shortages. Which may be a result of rising sea temperatures. Scientists believe that some species will die out, those that can survive on a low food supply will continue living. Not much is known about the creatures that live in the deep sea, not much is known about the changes in their diets. Scientists estimate that up to 10 million species live in the depths of the sea. Most animals of the deep rely on food chains that begin. In the lighted realms of the sea. Microscopic plants called phytoplankton. Capture the sun and start the food cycle. (2) WHEREVER THERE ARE ANIMAL DROPPINGS, there is a constant rain of organic matter (3) THAT FEEDS THE BOTTOM DWELLERS.

5. The underlined part of sentence 1 is what kind of clause?
adverbial clause
adjectival clause
noun clause

6. The underlined part of sentence 2 is what kind of clause?
adverbial clause
adjectival clause
noun clause

7. The underlined part of sentence 3 is what kind of clause?
adverbial clause
adjectival clause
noun clause

Can someone please help I don't guess would be;
5) adverbial clause
6) adjective clause
7) noun clause

None of those is correct.

This site explains these clauses very well.

To determine the type of clause in each sentence, we need to understand the function of the underlined part.

1. The underlined part of sentence 1 is "that creatures living in the deep sea are in danger of starving to death." This clause gives more information about the subject "creatures." It acts as the object of the reporting verb "report." In this case, it functions as a noun clause because it functions as the object of the sentence.

2. The underlined part of sentence 2 is "wherever there are animal droppings." This clause provides a condition or circumstance for something else to happen. It describes the location where something occurs. Since it modifies the verb "is," it functions as an adverbial clause.

3. The underlined part of sentence 3 is "that feeds the bottom dwellers." This clause describes the action of the subject "rain of organic matter." It acts as an adjective, providing additional information about the organic matter. Therefore, it functions as an adjectival clause.

Based on the explanations above, the correct classifications would be:

5. noun clause
6. adverbial clause
7. adjectival clause