Write a program to bring workers' salaries so that if work 150 hours takes 5 pounds on each additional hour takes 2 pounds

To write a program that calculates workers' salaries based on the number of hours worked, you would need to take the following steps:

1. Define the base salary rate per hour (in this case, 5 pounds for the first 150 hours).
2. Define the additional salary rate per hour (in this case, 2 pounds for every hour beyond 150).
3. Prompt the user to enter the number of hours worked.
4. Calculate the total salary based on the given number of hours.
5. Print the total salary.

Here's an example of a program code that accomplishes this in Python:

base_rate = 5 # pounds per hour for the first 150 hours
additional_rate = 2 # pounds per hour for every hour beyond 150

# Step 3: Prompt the user for the number of hours worked
hours_worked = int(input("Enter the number of hours worked: "))

# Step 4: Calculate the total salary
if hours_worked <= 150:
total_salary = hours_worked * base_rate
additional_hours = hours_worked - 150
total_salary = 150 * base_rate + additional_hours * additional_rate

# Step 5: Print the total salary
print("The total salary is:", total_salary, "pounds")

When you run this program, it will prompt you to enter the number of hours worked. Based on the input, it will calculate the total salary and display the result. Note that this code assumes the user enters a valid positive integer for the number of hours worked. You can add additional error handling or input validation if needed.