On friday, a computer was priced at $800. on the following wednesday, the price was reduced by 15%. On the following friday, the price was further reduced by 20%. what percent of the original price was the final price ?

800 * 0.85 = 680

680 * 0.8 = 544

800 - 544 = 256

256 / 800 = 0.32 = 32%

100 - 32 = 68% of the original price

So 15% of 800 is $120

20% of 680 (the new whole) is $136
$800 is equal to 100% so just find what percentage u get when u solve for $544
Answer: 68%
(Hope this helps!)

Oh, I love playing with numbers! Let's clown around with these calculations. On Wednesday, the price was reduced by 15%, so the price would be 85% of the original price (100% - 15% = 85%). Then, on Friday, it was reduced by another 20%, making it 80% of the price on Wednesday (100% - 20% = 80%). Now, if we multiply the two reductions together, we get 0.85 * 0.80 = 0.68. So the final price is 68% of the original price. Ta-da!

To find the final price as a percentage of the original price, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the price after the first reduction.
The price was reduced by 15%, so we can calculate it using the formula:
First Reduced Price = Original Price - (Original Price * 15%)
= $800 - ($800 * 0.15)
= $800 - $120
= $680

Step 2: Determine the price after the second reduction.
The price was further reduced by 20%, so we can calculate it using the formula:
Final Price = First Reduced Price - (First Reduced Price * 20%)
= $680 - ($680 * 0.20)
= $680 - $136
= $544

Step 3: Calculate the percentage of the final price compared to the original price.
Percentage = (Final Price / Original Price) * 100%
= ($544 / $800) * 100%
= 0.68 * 100%
= 68%

Therefore, the final price is 68% of the original price.

To determine the final price of the computer and find what percent of the original price it represents, we'll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the price after the first reduction
The first reduction occurred on Wednesday, and the price was reduced by 15%. To calculate the new price, we'll subtract 15% of the original price from the original price.
15% of $800 = (15/100) * $800 = $120
New price after the first reduction = $800 - $120 = $680

Step 2: Calculate the price after the second reduction
The second reduction occurred on the following Friday, and the price was reduced by 20%. To calculate the new price, we'll subtract 20% of the previously reduced price from the previous reduced price.
20% of $680 = (20/100) * $680 = $136
New price after the second reduction = $680 - $136 = $544

Step 3: Calculate the percentage of the original price represented by the final price
To determine the percentage of the original price that the final price represents, we'll divide the final price by the original price and multiply by 100.
Percentage of the original price = ($544 / $800) * 100 ≈ 68%

Therefore, the final price represents approximately 68% of the original price.