(-32)-s (-9) I am not good at algebra. I am supposed to use the distributive property, but not sure where to begin.

I don't either, as written

distributive problems usually involve a product of a number and a sum, or the product of two sums

6(3+7) = 6*3 + 6*7 = 60
4(s-3) = 4s - 4*3 = 4s-12

what you have shown above is bogus.

It was supposed to be (-32-s)(-9). I copied it wrong, Sorry Steve!

In that case

(-32)(-9) + (-s)(-9) = 288 + 9s

or, you can distribute the -1 out:

-(32+s)(-9) = -(-288-9s) = 288+9s

Thank u. Can you also help me at -19 (v-1)

To solve this problem using the distributive property, you need to apply it to the expression (-32)-s(-9).

The distributive property states that for any numbers a, b, and c, the product of a and the sum of b and c is equal to the sum of the products of a and b, and a and c. In other words, a(b + c) = ab + ac.

Now, let's apply the distributive property to the expression (-32)-s(-9):

(-32) - s(-9) = (-32) - (s * (-9))

To remove the parentheses, you can multiply -s and -9, which gives you a positive product:

(-32) - (s * (-9)) = (-32) + (s * 9)

So, the simplified expression becomes:

(-32) + (s * 9)

Now you have successfully applied the distributive property to the given expression.