A vinegar sample is found to have a density of 1.006 and to contain 4.7 acetic acid by mass.How many grams of acetic acid are present in 3.00 of this vinegar?

4.70% by mass means 4.70 g/100 g solution.

Use density to convert 100 g solution to mL. That's about 99.4 cc; therefore you have 4.70 g acetic acid in 99.4 cc.
Convert that to g acetic acid in 3000 cc.
4.70 g x (3000/99.4) = ?

1.006 what?

4.7 what?
3.00 what?

1.006 g/ml

4.7% acetic acid by mass

To find the number of grams of acetic acid present in 3.00 mL of vinegar, we need to use the information given about the density and the percentage of acetic acid by mass.

1. First, convert the volume of vinegar from milliliters to grams. Since the density of the vinegar is provided as 1.006 g/mL, we can use the formula:

Mass = Density x Volume

Mass = 1.006 g/mL x 3.00 mL

Mass = 3.018 g

So, the mass of the vinegar sample is 3.018 grams.

2. Next, calculate the mass of acetic acid present in the vinegar. It is given that the vinegar contains 4.7% acetic acid by mass. This means that for every 100 grams of vinegar, there are 4.7 grams of acetic acid.

Mass of acetic acid = (Percentage of acetic acid/100) x Mass of vinegar

Mass of acetic acid = (4.7%/100) x 3.018 g

Mass of acetic acid = 0.047 x 3.018 g

Mass of acetic acid = 0.1416 g

Therefore, there are approximately 0.1416 grams of acetic acid present in 3.00 mL of vinegar.