Jordan decides to start a garden care service. He plans to charge $20 for the first hour and $10 for each additional hour that he spends working on a garden. He works 5 days a week and takes care of one different garden each day. How many hours will he need to work if he wants to earn at least $250 a week?

Write an inequality for the total number of hours he needs to work. Solve the inequality and check your answer.
I know it $20(5)+ $10(3 hrs)= $250.
I don't think this is completely right...please help

$20(5)+ $10h > $250

100 + 10h > 250

10h > 150

h > 150/10

h >= 15

Thank you so much Ms.Sue - just couldn't quite get it right...

Thank you Ms. Sue

You're welcome, Brendon/Deborah.

Please use just one name for your posts.

Sorry that was my brother - thinking he was funny

To solve this problem, we can break it down into steps:

Step 1: Determine the total number of additional hours
To calculate the total number of additional hours, we need to subtract the first hour from the total amount Jordan wants to earn. In this case, Jordan wants to earn at least $250 a week. Since the first hour costs $20, we subtract that from $250 to find out how much money he needs to earn from additional hours.

$250 - $20 = $230

Step 2: Calculate the number of additional hours needed
Since each additional hour costs $10, we can divide the total amount of additional money needed by the cost per hour to find out how many additional hours Jordan needs to work.

$230 รท $10 = 23 hours

Step 3: Calculate the total number of hours
Jordan works on one garden each day, five days a week. To calculate the total number of hours, we need to add the first hour and the additional hours together.

First hour: 1 hour
Additional hours: 23 hours

Total hours: 1 + 23 = 24 hours

So, Jordan needs to work at least 24 hours in a week to earn at least $250.

Now, let's check our answer by calculating the total amount Jordan will earn given the number of hours worked.

First hour: $20
Additional hours: 23 hours x $10/hour = $230

Total earnings: $20 + $230 = $250

Our total earnings are indeed $250, confirming that Jordan needs to work at least 24 hours to earn at least $250 a week.